Thursday, October 7, 2010

this little piggy . . . stayed home.

Please follow my blog if you are interested in the life & times of this little piggy on her journey through food, fashion, family, friends, and hopefully someday love. Oh how that would be great. If the way into a man's heart is through his stomach, I am overly prepared to get down in the kitchen!

Okay so this is my first try at a blog. I have recently become what I like to think of  as a bit of a social media maven of sorts. I have had a myspace for years that I rarely look after, I am on facebook to reconnect with family & old friends across the globe, I have a youtube channel that I use t follow makeup and crocheting videos, and last but not least  I was introduced (forced into by a good friend) to twitter & have been tweeting on a regular basis. Now it seems more than proper that I try my hand at bogging.

I plan on using this space to rave & rant on my everyday goings. I will share my feelings on life, art, music, makeup & most of all FOOD. I think it is an exciting way to release my views out onto the world in a way that hopefully won't offend my family & friends. I mean how could they possibly be offended by something I plan on not sharing with them. Bwaa ha ha ha ha . . . (that was my evil laugh in case you missed it)
A little bit about me & why I am blogging. I am in my later 20's & not really content with every aspect of my life, but I try to make the best of it. I am a big food lover and a bit overweight. I like to refer to myself as large & in charge (makes me feel powerful),  or abundantly blessed, lol. That really has nothing to do with anything really other than the fact that I will refer myself as little piggy, and that I may end up writing about struggles with the idea of weight loss over the last cookie in the jar. 
Anyhow... back to subject. I have a lovely job that has me working around furniture & home goods of all sorts, to include every kitchen gadget and machine of my dreams. I try my darnedest to take home a paycheck over improving my home kitchen. I also live with my father, one of my best friends, & my 2 cats whom I love dearly (I swear I am not a "crazy cat lady"). But the most important thing about me is . . . that I have insomnia and tend to have hours & HOURS of free time every night/early morning with which I will most likely be blogging. I unfortunately go regularly without sleep for up to 48 hours at a time and totally ramble on like a madman. I am working on improving my sleep habits, but until that happens I will ramble on and on with this fancy new blog of mine about exactly what this little piggy is up to. 

At the moment I would love to have some roast beef, but alas this little piggy has none. I guess that means that I have to go to the market after all. Boo hiss! 

(Side note: I kinda like the pink type & think it goes well with the piggy theme of my blog. What do you think?)

1 comment:

  1. Love the background and font color. Congrats on your blog! I'm looking forward to following this blog, and can't wait until you get to testing out some of the Moroccan recipes from the cook book you recently received!
