Okay... so... umm... long time no update. To say the least!
Well since I last wrote on this dang blog so many things have happened and so much has changed in my life. Some good, some not so good. Life is like that sometimes. You gotta take the good with the bad. And to be honest, without those bad times to put the good ones into perspective people tend to go through life taking things for granted and not thanking God for all the blessings they truly have.
But anyhoo... I just wanted to stop by & let yall know that I am no longer working for Crate & Barrel but now work for SurLaTable. Yup that's right! I'm on the other team now (the WINNING team, lol). Both teams were and are a great place for a chubby girl like myself to feel at home and get comfortable in, so it works. Especially at SurLaTable. My job comes with hidden perks, like FOOD! Yeah, who knew that I could get the job of my dreams with a side of bacon? Well that's just how I roll now (although just saying no is going to have to start before I need rolled out of the store). On a very serious note: I now have a new master plan to take over the world one SurLaTable at a time! BWA HA HA HA HAAAA!!!! Okay just pretend you didn't read that and be shocked and amazed when it all goes down. Don't worry, I won't let anyone know that you were in on it the entire time. I swear!
If anyone in the Ft.Lauderdale area still reads this (or anyone at all)... you should totally go online to this super awesome link that I plan on posting below and check out some of the super cool and delicious cooking classes that we offer at my new place of awesomeness. Not only do I sell any and all kinds of kitchen gadgets, machines, cutlery, pots & pans, amazeballs coffee & espresso machines, but we also offer cooking classes too. Not just some hokey cooking show type class (no offense to anyone with or on a hokey cooking show), but some getting down and dirty (only not dirty because we use aprons), getting involved, tasting along the way, eating after your done, super fancy schmancy at times cooking classes for ALL SKILL LEVELS! So come one, come all, and check me out. Or at least peruse the site and see when you plan on stepping your dinner game up at home. Come on now folks. We are 30 something now (I know I still look young and tender, it's the cocoa butter) and let's face it, hamburger helper is just not a good look. Not now, not never! Okay well maybe back in those college-ish days when you were "chilling out" with your friends enjoying some boxed wine as a perfect pairing, but I'm just too cute for that crap now. So start acting your age. There is no better way to get your grown and sexy going than with a home made meal that knocks the socks off of whom ever you want to be without socks (or other items of clothing).
So yeah. That just about sums things up. I was gone, but now I'm back. I work at SurLaTable now. You should come on by to buy and or learn some new culinary skills to awe and amaze the folks in your life. Until next time... peace, love, and chicken grease!
Leigh Ann
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