Monday, July 25, 2011

My head is plotting against me

So this most recent post is about how I am kinda going out of my mind. Maybe I should say my head is playing tricks on me & just not cooperating as of late. I have had issues with migraines in my past, but recently it has been OUT OF CONTROL!! I am unfortunately prone to them thanks to both my mother & father being long time migraine sufferers. I was blessed when it was passed down from both sides & got that double whammy. In the past when I lived up in the D.C. area I was lucky enough to maybe get a migraine 2-4 times a year. But thanks to Florida's changing weather patterns, air pressure changes, and rainy season I seem to be getting them like once a week. Well that was until a few weeks ago. Now it is up to 2 or 3 times a week & that is if I am lucky enough to get rid of the migraine before 2 weeks passes. I finally made it to see a neurologist because it got so bad my eyesight was being effected. I started getting worried about driving around and going randomly blind (thanks dad for being my chauffeur). I just need my head to get things together already, because frankly I am too cute for this stuff! I can't keep locked up in a dark room being nauseous & blind while the world revolves around me. It's getting out of hand! I am hoping that the doctor & all the dang meds she gave me start doing their job at getting me back to my normal vibrant self. Thanks for being patient about the lack of blogging. It gets hard to compute when your head is plotting against you.