Monday, July 25, 2011

My head is plotting against me

So this most recent post is about how I am kinda going out of my mind. Maybe I should say my head is playing tricks on me & just not cooperating as of late. I have had issues with migraines in my past, but recently it has been OUT OF CONTROL!! I am unfortunately prone to them thanks to both my mother & father being long time migraine sufferers. I was blessed when it was passed down from both sides & got that double whammy. In the past when I lived up in the D.C. area I was lucky enough to maybe get a migraine 2-4 times a year. But thanks to Florida's changing weather patterns, air pressure changes, and rainy season I seem to be getting them like once a week. Well that was until a few weeks ago. Now it is up to 2 or 3 times a week & that is if I am lucky enough to get rid of the migraine before 2 weeks passes. I finally made it to see a neurologist because it got so bad my eyesight was being effected. I started getting worried about driving around and going randomly blind (thanks dad for being my chauffeur). I just need my head to get things together already, because frankly I am too cute for this stuff! I can't keep locked up in a dark room being nauseous & blind while the world revolves around me. It's getting out of hand! I am hoping that the doctor & all the dang meds she gave me start doing their job at getting me back to my normal vibrant self. Thanks for being patient about the lack of blogging. It gets hard to compute when your head is plotting against you.

Monday, June 6, 2011

getting my act together... well kinda (okay maybe one day)

So as you may already know one of my best friends is getting married soon. Not only am I super duper excited, but I am also going to be in her bridal party. I have decided that because of that I need to get a hop on getting my act together. I have a few months to decide if I have enough will power to buckle down and loose some weight or at least tone up (lets see how that one goes), get my skin in glowing condition, and stop playing stupid games with my hair. 

This time last year I had an unfortunate "hair don't" for a while after a power surge while curling my hair, which ended up with me smelling like burnt toast and a HUGE lock of burnt hair in my bathroom sink. Thanks to that unfortunate occurrence I was left with the decision to cut my hair shorter than I had ever cut it before. It was great for a while. That is until I remembered that I am a mixed girl & the half black side seemed to take over and turn the "style" into a curly fro no no of sorts. Ever since that "hair don't" I have been growing it out into a bob hairstyle. Now it is all nice & good, but summer heat always makes me wander towards the scissors & in all reality I know that I will look much better with longer hair in any and all wedding photos.

I have also decided to take charge of my oily/combination skin & tell it who the boss really is (so far I am not quite the boss but on a fast track to management in that area). In an effort to calm any skin issues and kinda equalize the playing field I recently purchased some fancy Dead Sea mud silt soap that is supposed to work wonders. Yup I said WONDERS. So far it seems to have calmed my skin and evened the tone a bit, but that is only when I remember that I have this fancy soap to use. On top of the fancy mud soap I got some super face scrubby machine thing by Olay (ProX advance Cleansing System). I just used that little guy this evening & seem to be on the fence. It just seems like a big face sized electric toothbrush. I am not sure how it will help my skin, but it gets rave reviews. I used it with my fancy mud soap to do a double whammy on my face tonight. So far I feel smooth & clean, but then again I never used to pet my face after washing it normally to compare the difference. Eh who knows? I also have to remember to be cautious in the sun this summer. I tend to be a bit addicted to the sun. Really it is just to prove that I am in fact half black & my melanin does work when it wants to & that I sometimes won't look paler than my white friends (it's a complex really). Although I am a sun addict, nobody wants a bridesmaid that looks like a faux leather couch. That my friend is NEVER a good look on anyone (let alone a couch).

So as I am on my way to becoming a glowing, more toned, and all around amazing bridesmaid, please help me remember that this is not only so that my friend's pictures look good . . . but maybe in this process I might just catch me a man!! Regardless I am hoping for the very best.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


i have just made a huge life decision . . . if i ever have a baby girl i have decided not to name her lola. just because i don't believe that whatever lola wants, lola gets is a good way to raise a child. just sayin'!! okay that's it.

p.s. just in case you didn't notice . . . this post is: #black&yellowblack&yellow

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

it's the simple things

Sometimes it seems to just be the simple things that make life worth it. The small things that add up over time that turn a frown upside down, or make you laugh out loud to yourself. These are the things that I have decided to embrace in life. I am trying to make a conscious decision to stop and enjoy those special moments, commit them to memory, and share them with those lucky enough to be around at the time. By stopping to fully enjoy them, I am trying to give myself the opportunity to fall fully into the good/goofy/happy or just plain pleasant feeling in that moment. The idea of committing the simple moment to memory is just so that when times are tough or annoying I can look back onto the good times and hopefully lift my spirits and remember and have faith that there will be many more good times to come. And by sharing these simple things, I will be spreading more little bits of happiness that I hope continues to spread like a the best possible virus you could catch (yeah yeah I know, bad visualization). 

This past weekend was Memorial Day weekend. Yes it was a beautiful hot and sunny weekend down here in South Florida. Many many people went to the beach, bar-b-qued, and spent time with family and friends. I must admit that yes I did the same. But while I was busy tanning in the yard with my bestie, working, and manning the bbq I was also taking the time to cherish each and every minute of this weekend. I am able to enjoy myself fully because so many people have committed their time, service, and lives to me and my country. Memorial day weekend is often looked at as the official start of summer (hurricane season down here), or as one of the biggest annual sale weekends the year has to offer. That weekend and more importantly Memorial Day itself is there to help us to remember what so many have sacrificed and continue to, so that we can enjoy the simplest of freedoms. Although it seems like we have come such a long way from my Grandparents era, we are living a parallel that many people choose to ignore. We are living in a time of constant war and fighting. A time where both men and women's rights worldwide are being trampled and at times just plain not acknowledged at all. We are blessed to have so many brave men & women fighting for people worldwide, so that they all have the chance and opportunity to do just as I do on a day to day basis (enjoy the simple little things). Without basic human rights that we are continually fighting for, nobody would be able to have self worth, emotional or mental stability, and the physical ability to be able to breath freely, relax, and enjoy those basic simple little things that life has to offer. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank God and all the men and women who have fought and continue to fight for my rights. Thanks for the simple things that lift me up, make me smile, and remind me that life is a precious gift made of many many little simple pieces that if appreciated and built upon, can build a happy life.

Just a few simple pleasures:

  • any Jackson 5 song
  • a warm sunny day with a beautiful breeze
  • laughing over stupid things with my besties
  • a home cooked meal
  • a wonderfully sweet and appreciative customer
  • walking into the stock room at work & hearing my jam on the radio
  • my turquoise toe nail polish
  • the DELISH treats made & shared by my coworkers
  • my kitty when he is sleepy (he blinks a lot & it is just too cute)
  • my new favorite soap (birthday cake by ivi scents)
  • pita chips and hummus 
  • looking back at the old times and making plans for my future
  • those perfectly humid days that make my hair stay curly for more than 3 hours
  • getting a surprise email from my grandma (I taught her how to email)
  • news that one of my besties is newly engaged & I will be a bridesmaid
  • exciting news that friends and family of coworkers/friends are expecting little bundles of joy
  • the Real Housewives of New Jersey ( I know, I know but you gotta love some table flipping fun sometimes!)
  • a nice cup of hot cocoa
  • my fave candle from anthropology that gets me all cozy & zen at home
Yes those may seem stupid, but they are just a few of the simple things that I am grateful to be able to enjoy. I hope that you are able to take a breath during your simple pleasures to be able to take a hold of and appreciate fully. Sit back and be thankful that simple is sometimes good enough, and should be treasured. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Back to basics

So it has been quite a long LONG time since I was able to update my blog. There has been so much going on in my life recently & to be honest my blog was the last thing on my mind. I kept thinking that I would get to it sooner or later, but if I didn't totally drop the ball all together.

Not only did I get a promotion (like 3 months ago) that I was settling into, but life just has a way of getting overwhelming at times. Not so much the work part, but the idea of balancing work & play. Or work and staying sane all at the same time, lol. My birthday passed in all the madness. I has these grand plans that totally never happened. It was rained out & may have been for the best that weekend (although I do plan on someday really seeing a little person stripper, just because).

One of my best friends who was staying with me is now officially engaged & has moved out. When she asked me to be a bridesmaid I almost fell out in an overly happy squeaky crying fit, lol. I am so beyond happy for her, but I totally miss just having her company around the house. Not to mention she broke my poor kitty's heart. Grovesnor (my kitty) was/is head over heals in love with her & sulked around in a little kitty depression after she left. It was so cute and sad all at the same time. I think he is trying to get over it & has been hanging out with me again as a back up, lol. 

On top of all those normal life things I am still trying to come down emotionally from mother's day. It is a lovely day for most, but has a way of bringing up all sorts of crazy feelings for me still (almost 10 years after the loss of my mom).  I am blessed enough to be surrounded by many wonderful women and mothers who are always sweet supportive and loving, but it just makes me miss my mother even more at times. I think about how much has happened the past 10 years and all the great people in my life that she will never meet. About a week before mother's day I found a recipe box my mother had put together for me for after I graduated high  school and moved out. It was filled with recipes that I was sure I had lost long ago & would never see or taste again. I decided to take one of my very favorite ones and make it for the lovely women in my life today. It was my way of honoring my mother and passing her love onto the women who will never get the pleasure of knowing her. It was a big thing for me. While making it my home smelled just like it did when I was a child. It not only tasted just as good as I had remembered but all my coworkers and friends loved it. 

All those things along with the normal day to day annoyances have made me start thinking that I need to get back to the basics. And by the basics I mean me. I have realized that I have been focusing on all sorts of things all over the place & not so much on myself. I have decided to try to dominate all aspects of my life and think of a master plan on becoming the best me I can be. I am also trying to get back to the things that helped calm and settle myself when I get overwhelmed or scattered. I have started a crochet project as a result. I am still working on getting a better nights sleep and actually letting my body and mind rest. I am also trying to stay focused on keeping my personal space organized and clean. That way the less visual clutter and mess I surround myself with physically it should start keeping the craziness to a minimum mentally and emotionally as well. Who know if it works, but it seems to keep me on track. 

Life has a way of getting out of control in many good and bad ways. But maintaining a balance is the key. Lets see how my new back to basics focus works out. Hopefully I can continue on my path to becoming my best me possible. Balancing the good, bad, work, play and everything in between is totally possible & I am up for the challenge! Lets just see if I remember to update my blog more often, lol. I hope you all have a blessed weekend filled with lots of love & wonderful memories. Enjoy! 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bello just hanging out

This is what my kitty Bello does while I'm at work. The life of a kitty must be nice!

Friday, February 18, 2011

I have not forgotten about you!!

So it has been a long time since I have been able to update you on my life or talk about the crap that makes me tick. Since I last updated you I have started my new position at work. That has been my main focus as of late. I am working hard to catch up and learn as much as possible so that I can prove that I was the best choice and hopefully exceed all expectations. The only real reason that I am able to give you a little mini update is that I woke up early. Well woke up early is a bit of a laugh. I woke up with some major back pain after I sneezed while tossing and turning in my sleep and must have pulled a back muscle. Dang those nighttime allergies!! Well all that woke me up and got me into a hot hot shower in hopes that it would relieve the pain. Eh, it barley helped, but in a positive note I am now able to chat here on my fancy blog. So far so good with the new position I think. I not only love learning new things but I am loving that I am able to have a little more control over things in my "area". And we all know I love every little bit of control I can get my hands on. Not in a creepy mustache twisting villain kind of way, but in an innocent laugh out loud with my booming "good guy" laugh kind of way. Anyhow, I must get back to getting ready for work this morning. It was nice while it lasted. I will be back soon-ish to give you a real blog update in the near-ish future I swear. I have not forgotten you!! Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Working on bettering myself & my surroundings

As you are all aware 2011 is a brand new year (shocker). Every new year brings me thoughts of the previous year & what exactly brought me to my present self and situation. I have grown a lot over the past year and plan to continue growing throughout this one. Growth is one of my main goals in life. Without growth you become stagnant/stuck in life and continue to repeat problems without being able to learn how to grow and get through them. 

With that being said, I am going to continue to work on myself and my surroundings so that I can foster growth. There are many new lessons that have yet to be learned just waiting for me. Personally, I am in a very happy place in life right now. Well to be honest at this exact moment I am in a yucky place due to the fact that I have a freaking cold that seems to be kicking my ass. But other than that, when you look at the "bigger picture" I am in a very happy & positive place in life. I am becoming happier with myself every day. I know that sounds a little strange, but I have had a love hate relationship with myself for years. But I have been working hard at not being too mean to me over the past couple of months. I have also been trying my best to treat myself as well as I treat others. I am a people pleaser at heart and tend to bend over backward to make sure that all those I care for are as happy as possible. I finally decided that I was worth the same effort on my part. I have started to learn how to say no, and to walk away from things, people, and situations that are toxic for me in the long run. Doing those things have made me a stronger, more confident, healthier, positive, and over all happier person. By focusing on myself and my goals I have made myself a person worth sharing with those I love. Without getting to really know and love myself I wouldn't have been able to grow in any of my relationships. All these great things and realizations make me want even more for myself and those I love. So in the weeks to come I will continue to work hard on me. I will work hard at making my personal sanctuary a place that fosters growth, peace, love, and positive energy (and not just a place covered in laundry that needs to be folded and ut away). I am also planning on making sure to focus on the people in my life. In all the hub-bub with holiday hours at my job and me getting this kick ass promotion, I have also kinda fallen off the face of the earth, lol. No, not really. But soon I plan on finally getting into a routine at work and hopefully carving out time for my girls (and hopefully finding my ass a man!!). Not only my friends down here, but hopefully with my besties up north as well. Oh and family too, lol!

Anyhoo. . . as you can see my NyQuill has had me in a very "thinky" mood. I am okay with that, because it has me feeling positive about the future. I hope that this new year has brought all of you to a place that fosters positivity and growth in your own lives as well. Everyone has a story, a past, and problems; but it takes a strong and willing person to grow to get the solutions that bring you into the present, so that you can make your own happy endings. I have all the faith in myself and in you that this year will bring us that much closer to the happy ending that we make for ourselves. I hope you all have a happy, healthy, positive, and blessed week!

 If any of you have any advice or tips that help you stay positive and keep you on track with obtaining your personal or professional goals, please post a comment below or shoot me an email ( I can use any and all help in being the best me possible!

Friday, January 21, 2011

OH SNAP! I got some super awesome news today...

Okay guys. . . this is yet another new year random update. Here goes:  I TOTALLY GOT A PROMOTION AT WORK!! Oh hellz yeah! I can't explain how excited and stupid happy I am. I absolutely love working for my company & all my coworkers rock! So this promotion only makes my life that much better. I am super stoked to be able to learn more and have a bigger role at the store. I just want to thank all my friends, family, and very supportive coworkers who have boosted my confidence to be able to go out for the position in the first place. You are all so great and I hope that I don't let any of you down!!! Okay that was it really. Now back to your regularly scheduled Friday night. Enjoy!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Random new year update...

Okay so it has been a little while since I have had anything to share with you all. But here I am with a random new year update... not really a whole lot to share. I have been fortunate enough to be able to spend some time with the JBooty this week. Which is saying a lot since our schedules rarely let us chill anymore. I know it sounds like not much, but I haven't really had a life since before the holiday season. So it is nice to be able to get together with friends and watch a little t.v together once in a while. Oh heck, while I am on that subject. Did you guys watch "The Game" on BET the other night? All I can say is OMG!!! It has been off the air for 2 years and I have been watching reruns hoping they would bring it back, and ta-da it's back! It already has me all caught up in the story lines. I also love how they didn't try to pretend that 2 years didn't go buy & it is like we are stepping back into the story 2 years later. Okay well that was enough t.v talk. Yeah so again not much going on here. Just working on myself and working at work, and working and praying for some big things to come this year! On a side note I did get the sheets that I back ordered from work around Christmas & I am officially luxurious! They look SO hot!! Sheets don't sound sexy, but just wait until I get my camera back and post a pic of them. They are GORGEOUS and give my room the extra pop of color it needed. I hope all is well with all of you this fine day. And I also hope that you are trying your hardest to stay warm. It is said that 48 out of the 50 states had snow on the ground this week at some point & that is just a bit crazy. It is 41* here in South Florida this morning & I am none too thrilled. Eh... why am I complaining? Ill take this over a blizzard any day. Anyhow, I hope you have a fabulous and very blessed day!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Call me . . . Ms. New Booty!

Check me out... I am officially 4 sizes smaller than I was this time last year!!! Awww yeah!! And in honor of that I would like to dedicate this to myself & all those out there who are working on making themselves better!! I hope we can all keep up the good work & continue to work on making ourselves better throughout 2011. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy new year... now what?

First off I would like to wish you all a very happy new year!! I am hoping that 2011 will bring you all much success, love and happy memories to look back on by this time next year. I rang in the new year much differently this year than last. Last year was spent with a large group of friends at our favorite bar. We sang, we danced (some even dropped it like it was hot), & we drank drank drank. Although I had a blast with some of my besties for life, the night ended in random drama & some friendships didn't make it into the new year. That was one night to remember & thanks to pictures on facebook we will never forget it (no matter how many lemon drops or rum & cokes we had). 

Again although all that was great I had a blast this year. I got out of work at around 5:30ish & met my bestie JBooty (Jessica) for dinner at J Alexanders. We had a yummy dinner & took desert back home to dad. We watched a movie on demand & then watched the ball drop. We laughed, checked facebook updates, and went over how much we have accomplished over the last year. So many things have changed for the both of us in very positive ways. First of all, we both got jobs this year. This time last year we were on the job hunt big time!! Now we are both employed and happy to have a place to go to and prove to ourselves and the world that we are capable, helpful, and knowledgeable about what we do. I know that seems a bit odd, but it is important to feel and know your services or abilities are needed and appreciated. Not only that but Jess just got a raise at work (big ups to her, wooo hooo)! Our other bestie Greeneyes (Sereane) moved back up to NYC & that has actually brought us closer together as friends I think. We not only took one hell of a road trip to move her ass back up there, but got caught in a blizzard once there, lol. The distance has forced us to keep in contact and actually make time for each other. Mind you with differing schedules it may be a facebook message here and there, but we know that we are always there for one another. I have also FINALLY taken a much needed trip to visit my family in Tortola (like 20 years coming), to see my cousin graduate. That trip has helped me with a previous goal of leaving the country once a year (only 2 years in so far & going strong). Personally I have lost a lot of weight, thanks to my new job (and heavy lifting), which is always a great and very welcome thing in my life. And above all, I have cut out the drama! I have great friends and family, and have chosen to nurture those relationships that are not toxic and draining to me. It is amazing how much cutting ties with dramatic situations and people can bring a since of calm and stability to your life.  2010 was a great year full of growth, success, and many many happy memories.

I believe that 2011 will be even greater than I can imagine. It is my time to shine, so put on your shades cuz I will shine brighter than the sun!! Okay well not only am I going into this year on a positive note, but I have some new goals that I look forward to accomplishing. I am going to try harder to keep in contact with the people I love who are far away. I am going to continue to work on myself. I am going to work on my relationship with God. And I am going to try to take on more responsibility in every aspect of my life. I am in charge how my life turns out. God has given me many talents and has taught me many lessons that I will use to make the right decisions for myself. It is my life and I am the only one who has the ability to make it the best life possible. I am also going to take a page out of one of my bestie QueenthatIAm (Ashley)'s book, and dedicate much needed time into getting to know and fall in love with myself this year. Although we all know how awesome I am (no big shocker), sometimes I need to remember that on those hard days and dive a little deeper into myself. If I can't be in love with me, I can't ever expect someone else to be able to fall in love with me (or they could already be in love with me, but are just to scared to tell me, lol). These may seem like little things to you when read in my little blog, but they are pretty big things in the long run and I look forward to accomplishing them one day at a time. 

I hope you each have a chance to look back and realize where you have come, and have the opportunity to sit down and maybe think of possible destinations of where you might want to go in your life this new year. I wish you all the luck and many blessings on your new journey into 2011. Enjoy & stay safe!!!